More Phile Pals

There are even more great philes in the group, and here they are!

Name: Tove
E-mail address:
Age: 15
Gender: Female
From: Sweden
Languages You Speak: Swedish, English, a bit French
Phile: 'Shipper
Favorite Season: ?
Favorite Episode: Lots... Triangle, Tooms, Irresistible, Detour, One Breath, Emily, HTGSC, and about a million more that I'm to lazy to type out.
About You: I live in Sweden, I'm 15 - okay, 15 take away three weeks, I LOVE The X-Files, I haven't seen season 7 yet (booo), I'm a die hard shipper, and I love e-mail! There you have it!

Name: Velvit
E-mail address:
Age: 21
Gender: Female
From: United States
Languages You Speak: English
Phile: 'Shipper
Favorite Season: ?
Favorite Episode: All Souls
About You: I just love TXF! What can I say? I also am taking a stab at writing fanfiction. I may be a Shipper to the core, but I write like a Noromo. Go figure!

Mulder + Scully = True Love

Disclaimer: The X-Files is copyright Chris Carter, 1013 Productions, and The FOX Network. No money is being made from this. No copyright infringement is intended.