Title: ONE WORD (1/1) Author: jesse (jesse.bee@mailcity.com) Rating: PG-13 Category: V, A, MSR, mild UST Spoilers: FTF - unabashed flickfic Summary: Scully forces the issue Disclaimer: 20th Century Fox, Chris Carter, and 1013 Productions own the rights to THE X-FILES. No copyright infringement is intended. Archive: If you like the thing that much--sure! Go for it. Just let me know. Feedback: PLEASE. It reminds me I'm alive. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONE WORD jesse022799 Two weeks. Two weeks for life to change almost beyond recognition. Dallas. Antarctica. Life regained, work regained. New office, even. But even more, something fundamental has changed in me. Maybe it was being way too close to death one more time. Maybe it was seeing him nearly kill himself to save me. Maybe it was watching his eyes finally admit, there in the hallway, the truth we've both fought for so long. Maybe it was finally getting that close to that pouty bottom lip... I'm going to fight FOR, now; not against. Life is just too damn short. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I need you to do something for me, Mulder." "Sure, Scully; what?" Mulder looked up, curious. Scully got up and walked over to the office door. And locked it. Then turned around and leaned against it. A little coil of unease started in his stomach. "Scully, what's wrong?" Her eyes pinned him. "I need you to tell me the truth." Mulder's jaw dropped but before he could get a word out Scully held up her hand. "Wait. Please." He closed his mouth and studied her carefully in the low office light. Whatever this was, he realized, it was big. Very big. Under that cool Scully veneer was...terror? "I have two questions, and I want your word that you will tell me the truth. Just a simple 'yes' or 'no'. The complete, absolute, utter truth. Not half of it, or part of it, or the part you think I want, or the part you think will protect me. The whole truth." Mulder started to rise but she held up her hand again. He subsided, still studying her intently. The flutter of worry in his belly got larger, but he ignored it. "Of course, Scully." "Promise me, Mulder. Just yes or no." "I promise." Scully pushed off the door and took a few steps toward him, stopped again. " Mulder--you said you needed me. In the hallway outside your apartment that night you said you needed me. Here and now, is that still true?" Whatever it was he thought he'd been expecting her to ask, it wasn't that. "Scully..." She shook her head, held up one finger. "Yes." She took a deep breath, swallowed, but blue eyes never wavered. And suddenly he knew. Knew beyond a doubt what her next question would be. Searing panic took him. "Your eyes were talking that night too, Mulder, not about need--" "--but about want. You *wanted* me. As a woman. Do you?" Dimly he realized his mouth was open. But he couldn't speak, couldn't get any air. "Mulder?" "Answer me, Mulder." "Scully, I..." She shook her head, her eyes glittering. "One word." "Scully *please...*" "One word, Mulder!" No quarter was to be given. Her voice was rising and suddenly Mulder was white-hot furious. "ONE WORD!" "YES, DAMN YOU, YES!!" The shout echoed around the room along with the explosive crack of Mulder's fists on the desk. Scully was chalk-white, her eyes huge. She looked terrified again. Of him. The fury drained away as fast as it'd come and took his strength with it. Mulder laid his head down on his hands. His eyes squeezed shut--he couldn't see her anyway through the threatening tears. "Yess..." It leaked out, a soundless whisper, but it didn't matter now because the damage was done. Her heels clicked and she was next to him. Her cool hands were on his burning cheeks but no way in hell could he look at her. "Mulder..." Her voice sounded strangled. She shook him a little. "Fox!" His head came up then and "I want you too, you idiot!" Scully choked, shaking, shaking him. "Dammit, I love you! Can't you see that? I had to know if you...!" Everything stopped. They were utterly still, hazel eyes locked with blue, demanding, pleading. Searching for the truth. The complete, absolute, utter truth. Time kicked back in. Mulder was out of the chair and before she could draw breath he was kissing her. Hard. It wasn't the soft, sweet, tentative thing she'd imagined for their first kiss, or even the strong, confident one. It was the plundering, frantic, desperate touch of a man who'd been snatched back off the brink of destruction. His hands tangled in her hair and his mouth slanted across hers insistently, demanding a response that Scully eagerly gave. Her hands slid down his neck, splayed against his back. Mulder shuddered and broke the kiss, his arms coming around her. He laid his face against her neck, his breathing wild, heart pounding. She could feel him fighting for control and she held him close, exalting, tears threatening to return. After a bit he drew back, holding her face with gentler hands, searching her eyes. Searching, seeing...what? His fingers traced out her cheeks, nose, eyebrows--lover's touches. He brushed the few ever-errant strands of fiery hair from her eyes with butterfly softness. Then his hands cupped her face and he leaned in slowly, and Scully realized she was finally going to get that hallway kiss. His mouth was firm and warm, moving softly over hers this time. Caressing, seducing. He traced the outline of her lips and pulled gently, nibbling. Scully ran her tongue over his bottom lip begging entry. Oh yes. Seeds and sweet tea. And some wonderful dark spicy thing that was only Fox Mulder. Tongues dueled, chasing and teasing. Mulder growled deep in his chest and the sound dropped south of her waist and set up camp. His hands slid down her back, gathering her closer. He dragged away from her mouth to kiss her nose, her eyes, her forehead. His grip tightened and Scully could feel the heat of him. All of him. "Scul-leeee...," his hot whisper in her ear sent a frisson through her, both of passion and of purely feminine glee at the ragged sound of his voice and the feel of his arousal. "Dana, we shouldn't be doing this..." She kissed his throat and felt him shiver, trailed her fingers down his back. "Why not?" Mulder made a sound somewhere between a groan and a chuckle. "The great unwritten no-involvement rules, remember?" "A rat's ass for the rules. I don't give a damn." She nuzzled his chest, drowning in the scent of him. "Hold me." "As long as you want." "How 'bout forever?" "Deal." Mulder buried his face in her bright hair and hung on, rocking a little. His mind reeled, trying to encompass what had just happened, but his heart and soul just sighed as the circle completed and all the pieces locked and fused. They'd been intellectual lovers for years, closer than spouses. This would just be icing on the cake... <...but I *like* icing.>